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Forum dedicated to the organisation and functioning of the consortium and its interest groups. Feel free to post!
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Domain dedicated to all questions relevant for the management and organisation of the Data for History Consortium. Use the "General discussion" forum if you don't know where else to post.
Subforums: General organisation (8), General discussion (13), Funding (3), Meetings (30), Community tools (3)
Domain dedicated to Data for History interest groups. Feel free to participate to groups you are interested in.
Domain related to Data for History use cases and modelling issues. Feel free to participate to cases you are interested in.
Subforums: General (2), Narrative / Story lines (1), Prosopography (2), Art history (3), Geography (15), Material culture / Archaeology (1), Time / Shapes of time (1), Economy (3), Correspondences (1), Sources and bibliography (3)
Domain dedicated to the development and use of OntoME
Subforums: Platform specification (2), API Development (2), GUI Development (0), OntoME user guide (7), Issues (18)
Domain dedicated to projects related to Data for History.
Subforums: APIS - Austrian Bibliographic Lexicon (1), Alignment of to CIDOC CRM (4), CRMsoc (5)
As a result of the Bern ateliers, two working groups have been formed so far with three topics.
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Horizon 2020 -... by triechert 22 Oct 2016 - 12:06 |
Known name variants, with a language indication (ISO-639) for variants when available, local identifier, links to external authorities
The working group is moderated by Peter Kenny (Ireland)
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This working group discussed the knowledge engineering process for a Heloise OWL vocabulary. This will also include discussion on local and domain specific vocabularies and their alignments.
The working group is moderated by Francesco Beretta (Lyon) and Thomas Riechert (Leipzig).
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Mapping... by fberetta_admin 20 Oct 2016 - 14:31 |
This group is discussion experiences with platforms e.g. SQL-Database, NoSQL, Content-Management Systems, Triple Stores, Visualisation tools.
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Defining URI's by dferhod 2 Sep 2016 - 07:41 |
What's Going On?
Currently active users: 0
Topics: 92, Posts: 145, Users: 76
Welcome to our latest members: cschlieder, jmelo, ijohnson, shennicke, pschneider